Greenhouse gas reduction down on the farm - what farmers are doing now - Part III
This is number 3 in the series on carbon and farming.
Farmers are out there now implementing strategies to reduce greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxides, while continuing to make a profit.
Simon Wallwork and Cindy Stevens jointly run their 3,700 ha mixed cropping-sheep-cattle property at Corrigin in the central cropping belt of WA. They have been frustrated by the lack of will of politicians and administrators to develop and implement meaningful policies to minimise the impacts of human-induced climate change on the agricultural sector and the planet in general.
So after their youngest son asked what they were going to do about it, they got together with other keen growers and formed AgZero2030. Simon and Cindy are respectively Chair and Secretary.
AgZero2030 is a movement of WA farmers eager to influence climate action and to lead by example by making their own properties carbon neutral within the decade. They hope to encourage other growers to start managing their greenhouse gas production by promoting positive actions taken by fellow growers.
Simon & Cindy Image: The Guardian
In this podcast Simon and Cindy explain what got them into AgZero2030 and what they are implementing on their own farm to meet their decarbonisation goals and meet the requirements of changing markets.
Radio National Interview
‘Living climate change now’: how WA farmers are trying to turn the tide - Guardian Australia -
AgExcellence Alliance - A climate of opportunity in Ag August 2021
Farmers for Climate Action -
Climate trends in Western Australia -
The Conversation - Climate Change and farming -