Soil Carbon. Everyone is talking about it. But what is it? While I always knew there was more to soil carbon than meets the eye these days of a warming planet soil carbon has taken on a whole new meaning with lots of different possibilities.
What is the role of soil carbon in Australian farming systems?
We all know that soil carbon is important for soil health, but what do growers need to do to increase soil carbon levels?
Peter McInerney, 3-D Agriculture
Can farmers make additional income by increasing their soil carbon levels?
Here I discuss with Peter McInerney, a whole farm agronomist from 3-D Agriculture, how he goes about encouraging his clients to improve their soil carbon levels and the range of benefits that accrue from doing so.
To find Peter’s contact details and the range of services he and Hazel can provide go to
Further Reading
Soils West
How Much Carbon can soil store?
Department of Agriculture, Water & Environment